Tuesday, September 4, 2012

.Jack o’ Lantern Stuffed Tomatoes.

Jack o’ Lantern Stuffed Tomatoes Halloween Recipe

Prep Time: 10–20 min­utes
Yield: 5–6 servings

5–6 large salad tomatoes
2 C chopped cooked chicken (I used First Street Chicken Thighs)
1 C cel­ery, chopped
2 T chives (or green onions), chopped
1/3 C sliv­ered almonds, chopped
1/3 C shred­ded cheese (I used freshly grated First Street ched­dar chunk cheese)
1/3 C mayo
1/3 C ranch

1. If you don’t already have cooked chicken, you’ll obvi­ously need to cook that first.

2. Start by chop­ping ingre­di­ents: chicken, cel­ery, chives, and sliv­ered almonds. Then, grate cheese.

3. In a small bowl, com­bine chicken, cel­ery, chives, almonds, cheese, mayo, and ranch. Stir until well-combined.

4. Cut a thin slice off the top of each tomato. Scoop out the tomato pulp and seeds, leav­ing about a 1/4 — 1/2-inch tomato shell.

5. Then, spoon chicken salad mix­ture into the tomato shells and serve on a bed of lettuce.

Most people already have their own favorite way of making chicken salad, if this way doesn't sound too appealing, make it your way and stuff it into the jack'ed tomatoes! ;)

(Source: Mom Endeavors)


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